Spring arrived suddenly here in Brisbane. One day it was cold, and the next we were woken by the loud sound of birds in the park and creek next to our house. Sunshine, blue skies and colourful birds made me want to sew Mia some more summery clothes. I'd bought both of these fabrics a few months back when all of the sales were on and hadn't realised they were both full of birds. Coincidentally, since then our little Mia has become obsessed with birds. Although I'm not sure it classifies as a word yet, she makes the /b/ sound every time she hears or sees a bird, and at times even manages to get out the first part of the word... "bir"..."bir". I'd been wanting to try a reversible dress and had been eyeing off this design for a while. On one of my many trips to the fabric store, there happened to be a half price sale on patterns. It turned out very cute, but the sizing is a little big, so is a bit big for her yet. Can't wait for her to grow into it .
For the second outfit, I found this cute little cherry fabric on ebay and picked up a fat quarter for a few dollars. Just enough fabric to make this little top, using the same pattern as I used for the Yui Kokeshi dress. I made the bloomers from the reversible dress pattern, and they also turned out pretty big, but together these look very cute on my little one.
I've also been working on some Christmas presents:
A remote control and gadget holder for the couch from http://sewing.about.com/od/homedecprojects/ss/armchairorganiz.htm in this cute fabric I found at a wholesaler.
I'm in the process of making a few other gifts in preparation for Christmas, and having located some of the wool I needed for Mia's blanket, I'm madly trying to get that finished in time for her birthday. The next new project sometime soon will be some hair clips. Looking around to buy some for Mia, I couldn't believe how expensive they were. I ordered all of the supplies online and could easily make about 50 or more of them for less than what four or six would cost to buy... all supplies have now arrived, so I'll probably start on those in the next few days. I hope she'll keep them in after all that effort :-)